List of Environment Variables

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Alluxio supports defining a few frequently used configuration settings through environment variables.

Environment VariableDescription
ALLUXIO_CONF_DIR The path to the alluxio configuration directory. This defines the value for the property key alluxio.conf.dir which should never be set directly outside the environment variable.
ALLUXIO_LOGS_DIR The path to the directory that stores Alluxio server logs. This defines the value for the property key alluxio.logs.dir which should never be set directly outside the environment variable.
ALLUXIO_USER_LOGS_DIR The path to the directory that stores Alluxio user logs. This defines the value for the property key alluxio.user.logs.dir which should never be set directly outside the environment variable.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME Hostname of the Alluxio master. Defaults to localhost.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS The under storage system address. Defaults to ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/underFSStorage which is a local file system.
ALLUXIO_RAM_FOLDER The directory where a worker stores its in-memory data. Defaults to /mnt/ramdisk.
ALLUXIO_JAVA_OPTS Java VM options for the Alluxio master, worker, and shell commands. By default, ALLUXIO_JAVA_OPTS is prepended to other ALLUXIO_*_JAVA_OPTS environment variables, such as ALLUXIO_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS and ALLUXIO_USER_JAVA_OPTS.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio master configuration.
ALLUXIO_JOB_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio job master configuration.
ALLUXIO_WORKER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio worker configuration.
ALLUXIO_JOB_WORKER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio job worker configuration.
ALLUXIO_PROXY_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio proxy configuration.
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio log server configuration.
ALLUXIO_USER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio shell command configuration.
ALLUXIO_CLASSPATH Additional classpath entries for Alluxio processes. Empty by default.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio master.
ALLUXIO_JOB_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio job master.
ALLUXIO_WORKER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio worker.
ALLUXIO_JOB_WORKER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio job worker.
ALLUXIO_PROXY_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio proxy.
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio log server.
ALLUXIO_FUSE_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio FUSE process.
ALLUXIO_USER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio shell command.

The following example will set up:

  • an Alluxio master at localhost
  • the root mount point as an HDFS cluster with a namenode also running at localhost
  • defines the maximum heap space of the VM to be 30g
  • enable Java remote debugging at port 7001
$ export ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME="localhost"
$ export ALLUXIO_MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS="hdfs://localhost:9000"
$ export ALLUXIO_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7001"

Users can either set these variables through the shell or in conf/ If this file does not exist yet, it can be copied from the template file under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf:

$ cp conf/ conf/