Class | Description |
AbstractDistributedJobCommand |
The base class for all the distributed job based
Command classes. |
AbstractFileSystemCommand |
The base class for all the FileSystem
Command classes. |
CatCommand |
Prints the file's contents to the console.
CheckConsistencyCommand |
Command for checking the consistency of a file or folder between Alluxio and the under storage.
ChecksumCommand |
Calculates the MD5 checksum for a file.
ChgrpCommand |
Changes the group of a file or directory specified by args.
ChmodCommand |
Changes the permission of a file or directory specified by args.
ChownCommand |
Changes the owner of a file or directory specified by args.
CopyFromLocalCommand |
Copies the specified file specified by "source path" to the path specified by "remote path".
CopyToLocalCommand |
Copies a file or a directory from the Alluxio filesystem to the local filesystem.
CountCommand |
Displays the number of folders and files matching the specified prefix in args.
CpCommand |
Copies a file or a directory in the Alluxio filesystem.
DistributedCpCommand |
Copies a file or directory specified by args.
DistributedLoadCommand |
Loads a file or directory in Alluxio space, makes it resident in memory.
DistributedMvCommand |
Moves a file or directory specified by args.
DuCommand |
Displays the size of a file or a directory specified by argv.
FileSystemCommandUtils |
Common util methods for executing commands.
FreeCommand |
Frees the given file or folder from Alluxio storage (recursively freeing all children if a
GetCapacityBytesCommand |
Gets the capacity of the
FileSystem . |
GetFaclCommand |
Displays ACL info of a path.
GetSyncPathListCommand |
This class represents a getSyncPathList Command.
GetUsedBytesCommand |
Gets number of bytes used in the
FileSystem . |
HeadCommand |
Prints the file's first n bytes (by default, 1KB) to the console.
HelpCommand |
Command for print help message for the given command.
LeaderCommand |
Prints the current leader master host name.
LoadCommand |
Loads a file or directory in Alluxio space, making it resident in Alluxio.
LoadMetadataCommand |
Loads metadata about a path in the UFS to Alluxio.
LocationCommand |
Displays a list of hosts that have the file specified in args stored.
LsCommand |
Displays information for the path specified in args.
MasterInfoCommand |
Prints information regarding master fault tolerance such as leader address, list of master
addresses, and the configured Zookeeper address.
MkdirCommand |
Creates a new directory specified by the path in args, including any parent folders that are
MountCommand |
Mounts a UFS path onto an Alluxio path.
MvCommand |
Renames a file or directory specified by args.
PersistCommand |
Persists files or directories currently stored only in Alluxio to the UnderFileSystem.
PinCommand |
Pins the given file or folder (recursively pinning all children if a folder).
RmCommand |
Removes the file specified by argv.
SetFaclCommand |
Displays ACL info of a path.
SetReplicationCommand |
Changes the replication level of a file or directory specified by args.
SetTtlCommand |
Sets a new TTL value for the file at path both of the TTL value and the path are specified by
StartSyncCommand |
Start a polling sync of a particular path.
StatCommand |
Displays the path's info.
StopSyncCommand |
This class represents a stop sync command.
TailCommand |
Prints the file's last n bytes (by default, 1KB) to the console.
TestCommand |
Tests properties of the path specified in args.
TouchCommand |
Creates a 0 byte file specified by argv.
UnmountCommand |
Unmounts an Alluxio path.
UnpinCommand |
Unpins the given file or folder (recursively unpinning all children if a folder).
UnsetTtlCommand |
Unsets the TTL value for the given path.
UpdateMountCommand |
Update options for an Alluxio mount point.
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