Interface | Description |
BlockLocationPolicy |
Interface for determining the Alluxio worker location to serve a block write or UFS block read.
Class | Description |
BlockLocationPolicy.Factory |
The factory for the
BlockLocationPolicy . |
CapacityBaseRandomPolicy |
Randomly distribute workload based on the worker capacities so bigger workers get more requests.
DeterministicHashPolicy |
This policy maps the blockId to several deterministic Alluxio workers.
LocalFirstAvoidEvictionPolicy |
A policy that returns the local worker first, and if the local worker doesn't
exist or have enough availability, will select the nearest worker from the active
workers list with sufficient availability.
LocalFirstPolicy |
A policy that returns the local worker first, and if the local worker doesn't
exist or have enough availability, will select the nearest worker from the active
workers list with sufficient availability.
MostAvailableFirstPolicy |
A policy that returns the worker with the most available bytes.
RoundRobinPolicy |
A policy that chooses the worker for the next block in a round-robin manner and skips workers
that do not have enough space.
SpecificHostPolicy |
Always returns a worker with the hostname specified by
PropertyKey.WORKER_HOSTNAME (alluxio.worker.hostname). |
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