Interface | Description |
Master |
This interface contains common operations for all masters.
MasterFactory<T extends MasterContext> |
Interface for factory of
Master . |
MasterInquireClient |
Client for determining the primary master.
MasterInquireClient.ConnectDetails |
Interface for representing master inquire connect details.
PrimarySelector |
Interface for a class which can determine whether the local master is the primary.
SafeModeManager |
Interface for managing safe mode state.
Class | Description |
AbstractLocalAlluxioCluster |
Local Alluxio cluster.
AbstractMaster |
This is the base class for all masters, and contains common functionality.
AbstractPrimarySelector |
Base class for implementing primary selectors.
AlluxioExecutorService |
Forwarder over ExecutorService interface for exposing internal queue length.
AlluxioJobMaster |
Entry point for the Alluxio job master program.
AlluxioJobMasterProcess |
This class is responsible for initializing the different masters that are configured to run.
AlluxioJobMasterRestServiceHandler |
This class is a REST handler for requesting general job master information.
AlluxioMaster |
Entry point for the Alluxio master.
AlluxioMasterMonitor |
Alluxio master monitor for inquiring the AlluxioMaster service availability.
AlluxioMasterProcess |
An Alluxio Master which runs a web and rpc server to handle FileSystem operations.
AlluxioMasterProcess.Factory |
Factory for creating
AlluxioMasterProcess . |
AlluxioSecondaryMaster |
The secondary Alluxio master that replays journal logs and writes checkpoints.
BackupManager |
Manages creating and restoring from backups.
ClientPool |
Keeps a collection of all clients (
FileSystem ) returned. |
CoreMaster |
Abstract class for masters that run in the core master process.
CoreMasterContext |
This class stores fields that are specific to core masters.
CoreMasterContext.Builder |
CoreMasterContext s. |
DefaultSafeModeManager |
Manages safe mode state for Alluxio master.
LocalAlluxioCluster |
Local Alluxio cluster for integration tests.
LocalAlluxioJobCluster |
Local Alluxio job cluster.
LocalAlluxioMaster |
Constructs an isolated master.
MasterClientContext |
Configuration for constructing an Alluxio master client.
MasterClientContextBuilder |
This class can be used to obtain instances of a
MasterClientContext . |
MasterContext<T extends UfsManager> |
Stores context information for Alluxio masters.
MasterHealthCheckClient |
MasterHealthCheckClient check whether Alluxio master is serving RPC requests and
if the AlluxioMaster process is running in all master hosts.
MasterHealthCheckClient.Builder |
Builder for a
MasterHealthCheckClient . |
MasterInquireClient.Factory |
Factory for getting a master inquire client.
MasterProcess |
Defines a set of methods which any
MasterProcess should implement. |
MasterRegistry |
A master registry.
MasterUtils |
This class encapsulates the different master services that are configured to run.
MultiMasterLocalAlluxioCluster |
A local Alluxio cluster with multiple masters.
NoopMaster |
Master implementation that does nothing.
NoopUfsManager |
Implementation of UfsManager that does nothing.
PollingMasterInquireClient |
PollingMasterInquireClient finds the address of the primary master by polling a list of master
addresses to see if their RPC servers are serving.
PollingMasterInquireClient.MultiMasterConnectDetails |
Details used to connect to the leader Alluxio master when there are multiple potential leaders.
PrimarySelector.Factory |
Factory for creating primary selectors.
PrimarySelectorClient |
Masters use this client to elect a leader.
ProtobufUtils |
Utility methods for conversion between wire types and protobuf types.
ServiceUtils |
Utility methods for Alluxio services.
SingleMasterInquireClient |
MasterInquireClient which always returns a fixed master address. |
SingleMasterInquireClient.SingleMasterConnectDetails |
Connect details for a single master inquire client.
StateLockManager |
Provides graceful and interruptable locking protocol for taking the state lock.
StateLockOptions |
Used to define state-lock options for taking it exclusively.
TestUtils |
Test utilities.
ZkMasterInquireClient |
Utility to get leader from zookeeper.
ZkMasterInquireClient.ZkMasterConnectDetails |
Details used to connect to the leader Alluxio master via Zookeeper.
Enum | Description |
GraceMode |
Defines the grace mode of exclusive locking of the state-lock.
MasterHealthCheckClient.MasterType |
An enum mapping master types to fully qualified class names.
PrimarySelector.State |
The state for the primary selector.
ZookeeperConnectionErrorPolicy |
Defines supported connection error policies for leader election.
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