public static final class BlockWorkerGrpc.BlockWorkerBlockingStub extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub<BlockWorkerGrpc.BlockWorkerBlockingStub>
The block worker service
protected BlockWorkerGrpc.BlockWorkerBlockingStub build(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions)
in class io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub<BlockWorkerGrpc.BlockWorkerBlockingStub>
public GetStatusPResponse getStatus(GetStatusPRequest request)
Returns the status of the file or directory.
public Iterator<ListStatusPResponse> listStatus(ListStatusPRequest request)
If the path points to a file, the method returns a singleton with its file information. If the path points to a directory, the method returns a list with file information for the directory contents.
public AsyncCacheResponse asyncCache(AsyncCacheRequest request)
public CacheResponse cache(CacheRequest request)
public LoadResponse load(LoadRequest request)
public LoadFileResponse loadFile(LoadFileRequest request)
public CopyResponse copy(CopyRequest request)
public RemoveBlockResponse removeBlock(RemoveBlockRequest request)
public MoveBlockResponse moveBlock(MoveBlockRequest request)
public MoveResponse move(MoveRequest request)
public ClearMetricsResponse clearMetrics(ClearMetricsRequest request)
TODO(lu) Move to metrics worker
public FreeWorkerResponse freeWorker(FreeWorkerRequest request)
public CreateFilePResponse createFile(CreateFilePRequest request)
Creates a file.
public CompleteFilePResponse completeFile(CompleteFilePRequest request)
Marks a file as completed.
public DeletePResponse remove(DeletePRequest request)
Deletes a file or a directory and returns whether the remove operation succeeded.
public RenamePResponse rename(RenamePRequest request)
Renames a file or a directory.
public CreateDirectoryPResponse createDirectory(CreateDirectoryPRequest request)
Creates a directory.
public ExistsPResponse exists(ExistsPRequest request)
Checks the existence of a file or directory.
public SetAttributePResponse setAttribute(SetAttributePRequest request)
Sets file or directory attributes.
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