Interface | Description |
AbstractReadHandler.PacketReader<T extends ReadRequest> |
A runnable that reads packets and writes them to the channel.
AbstractReadHandler.PacketReader.Factory<T extends ReadRequest,P extends AbstractReadHandler.PacketReader<T>> |
Factory that creates a PacketReader.
Class | Description |
AbstractReadHandler<T extends ReadRequest> |
This class handles
Protocol.ReadRequest s. |
BlockReadRequest |
The internal representation of a block read request.
BlockReadRequestContext |
Context of
BlockReadRequest . |
BlockWriteRequest |
The block write request internal representation.
BlockWriteRequestContext |
The block write request internal representation.
FileReadHandler |
Handles file read request.
FileReadHandler.FilePacketReader |
The packet reader to read from a local block worker.
FileReadHandler.FilePacketReaderFactory |
Factory for creating
FileReadHandler.FilePacketReader s. |
FileWriteHandler |
This handler handles block write request.
HeartbeatHandler |
A handler for heartbeat events.
IdleReadHandler |
Closes the channel if it has been idle for too long.
NettyDataServer |
Runs a netty data server that responds to block requests.
NettyExecutors |
Adds the block server's pipeline into the channel.
NettyReadHandlerStateMachine<ReqT extends ReadRequest> |
State machine of Netty Server in Alluxio Worker.
ReadRequest |
Represents a read request received from netty channel.
ReadRequestContext<T extends ReadRequest> |
Represents the context of a read request received from netty channel.
UfsFileWriteHandler |
This handler handles writes to a file in the under file system.
UfsFileWriteRequest |
The UFS File write request internal representation.
UfsFileWriteRequestContext |
The UFS File write request internal representation.
UnsupportedMessageHandler |
Netty handler which replies to the client with an unknown message error for message types
which are no longer supported.
WriteRequestContext<T extends alluxio.worker.netty.WriteRequest> |
Represents the context of a write request received from netty channel.
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