ValidationUtils.State mState
String mName
String mDesc
String mOutput
String mAdvice
Set<E> mAddresses
Set<E> mFieldRange
GetWorkerReportOptions.WorkerRange mWorkerRange
AtomicLong mNumItems
AtomicLong mTotalBytes
AtomicLong mOperationCount
AtomicLong mAgingCount
AtomicInteger[] mScopeToNumber
AtomicLong[] mScopeToSize
int mNumBuckets
int mBitsPerTag
int mBitsPerClock
int mBitsPerSize
int mBitsPerScope
int mMaxSize
int mMaxAge<T> mFunnel mHashFunction
ScopeEncoder mScopeEncoder
SegmentedLock mLocks
int[] mSegmentedAgingPointers
SlidingWindowType mSlidingWindowType
long mWindowSize
long mStartTime
CuckooTable mTable
CuckooTable mClockTable
CuckooTable mSizeTable
CuckooTable mScopeTable
boolean mOpenSizeEncoder
int mPrefixBits
int mSuffixBits
SizeEncoder mSizeEncoder
int mBytesRead
int mBytesWanted
PartialReadException.CauseType mCauseType
java.util.function.Supplier<T> mInnerMapFn
CountedCompleter<T> completer
int pending
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- if the class of a serialized object could not be foundIOException
- if an I/O error occursprivate void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
if noneIOException
- if an I/O error occursint status
Collection<E> mExceptions
io.grpc.Status mStatus[] mDetails
boolean mRetryable
ErrorType mErrorType
io.grpc.Status mStatus
int bitField0_
Object policyName_
AddPolicyPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
PolicyInfo policy_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress serverAddress_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
Object sourceHost_
int sourcePort_
Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions openUfsBlockOptions_
long length_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean localFileSystem_
boolean runAsync_
boolean allowLeader_
boolean bypassDelegation_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
BackupPOptions options_
Object targetDirectory_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object backupId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
long length_
Object ufsPath_
long offsetInFile_
long mountId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_<K,V> usedBytesOnTiers_ removedBlockIds_<K,V> addedBlocksOnTiers_
BlockHeartbeatPOptions options_<K,V> lostStorage_
List<E> addedBlocks_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Command command_
byte memoizedIsInitialized blockId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_
WorkerNetAddress workerAddress_
Object tierAlias_
Object mediumType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long capacityBytes_<K,V> capacityBytesOnTiers_
long freeBytes_
int liveWorkerNum_
int lostWorkerNum_
long usedBytes_<K,V> usedBytesOnTiers_
int decommissionedWorkerNum_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
Object sourceHost_
int sourcePort_
Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions openUfsBlockOptions_
long length_
boolean async_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
CancelPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
long taskId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int bits_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
CheckAccessPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
CheckConsistencyPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized inconsistentPaths_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object masterHostname_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ data_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobControlId_
int operationType_
int jobSource_
int status_
long submissionTime_
long duration_
Object errorMessage_
CmdProgress cmdProgress_
float progressPercentage_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int commandType_ data_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_
long usedBytesOnTier_
Object tierAlias_
long blockId_
long length_
CommitBlockPOptions options_
Object mediumType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long ufsLength_
ScheduleAsyncPersistencePOptions asyncPersistOptions_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
Object contentHash_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
CompleteFilePOptions options_
Object uuid_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_<K,V> errors_<K,V> warns_
int status_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long bandwidth_
boolean verify_
boolean partialListing_
boolean overwrite_
int writeType_
boolean checkContent_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
List<E> routes_
UfsReadOptions ufsReadOptions_
WriteOptions writeOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean recursive_
boolean allowExists_
PMode mode_
int writeType_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_<K,V> xattr_
int xattrPropStrat_
boolean checkS3BucketPath_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
CreateDirectoryPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockSizeBytes_
boolean recursive_
PMode mode_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
int replicationDurable_
int writeTier_
int writeType_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
long persistenceWaitTime_<K,V> xattr_
int xattrPropStrat_
boolean overwrite_
boolean checkS3BucketPath_
WorkerNetAddress workerLocation_
boolean isAtomicWrite_
boolean useMultipartUpload_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
CreateFilePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object workerHostname_
long workerWebPort_
boolean canRegisterAgain_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean recursive_
boolean alluxioOnly_
boolean unchecked_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
boolean syncParentNextTime_
boolean deleteMountPoint_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
DeletePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long offsetReceived_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
SnapshotData data_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int errorType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int loadMetadataType_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
ExistsPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean exists_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long fileId_
Object name_
Object path_
Object ufsPath_
long length_
long blockSizeBytes_
long creationTimeMs_
boolean completed_
boolean folder_
boolean pinned_
boolean cacheable_
boolean persisted_ blockIds_
long lastModificationTimeMs_
long ttl_
Object owner_
Object group_
int mode_
Object persistenceState_
boolean mountPoint_
List<E> fileBlockInfos_
int ttlAction_
long mountId_
int inAlluxioPercentage_
int inMemoryPercentage_
Object ufsFingerprint_
PAcl acl_
PAcl defaultAcl_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
long lastAccessTimeMs_<K,V> xattr_ mediumType_
Object contentHash_
Object ufsType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int commandType_
FileSystemCommandOptions commandOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
PersistCommandOptions persistOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized persistedFileFingerprints_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_ persistedFiles_
FileSystemHeartbeatPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemCommand command_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long syncIntervalMs_
long ttl_
int ttlAction_
FsOpPId operationId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean recursive_
boolean forced_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
FreePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long mostSignificantBits_
long leastSignificantBits_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object policyName_
Object actionId_
Object filePath_
GetPolicyStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetAllMasterStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetAllWorkerHealthPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
GetBlockInfoPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
BlockInfo blockInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
BlockMasterInfo blockMasterInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long bytes_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobControlId_
GetCmdStatusOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
CmdStatusBlock cmdStatusBlock_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobControlId_
GetCmdStatusOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int cmdStatus_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
ConfigCheckReport report_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean rawValue_
boolean ignoreClusterConf_
boolean ignorePathConf_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
List<E> clusterConfigs_<K,V> pathConfigs_
Object clusterConfigHash_
Object pathConfigHash_
long clusterConfigLastUpdateTime_
long pathConfigLastUpdateTime_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long fileId_
GetFileInfoPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileInfo fileInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long fileId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress masterAddress_
GetJobMasterIdPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long masterId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
JobDescription jobDescription_
JobProgressPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object progressReport_
int format_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetJobServiceSummaryPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
JobServiceSummary summary_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
GetJobStatusDetailedPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
JobInfo jobInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
GetJobStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
JobInfo jobInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress masterAddress_
GetMasterIdPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long masterId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
MasterInfo masterInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> metrics_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object ufsUri_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long mountId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean checkUfs_
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> mountPoints_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
GetNewBlockIdForFilePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int nodeState_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetPinnedFileIdsPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized pinnedFileIds_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object policyName_
GetPolicyStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
PolicyStatus status_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetQuorumInfoPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_
long blockCount_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_
boolean allowed_
long expiryMs_
GetRegisterLeasePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int serviceType_
boolean allowedOnStandbyMasters_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
SnapshotMetadata snapshotInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
SnapshotMetadata latest_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetStateLockHoldersPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized threads_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int loadMetadataType_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
int accessMode_
boolean updateTimestamps_
boolean includeRealContentHash_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
GetStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileInfo fileInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object transferId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
TransferLeaderMessage transMsg_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long mountId_
GetUfsInfoPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
UfsInfo ufsInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long bytes_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress_
GetWorkerIdPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object name_<K,V> values_
byte memoizedIsInitialized values_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
RunTaskCommand runTaskCommand_
CancelTaskCommand cancelTaskCommand_
RegisterCommand registerCommand_
SetTaskPoolSizeCommand setTaskPoolSizeCommand_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
JobWorkerHealth jobWorkerHealth_
List<E> taskInfos_
JobHeartbeatPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
Object errorMessage_
int status_
long lastUpdated_
int type_ result_
Object errorType_
Object name_
long parentId_
List<E> children_
Object workerHost_
Object description_ affectedPaths_
List<E> unused0_
Object unused1_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long masterId_
JobMasterHeartbeatPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int command_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object state_
NetAddress masterAddress_
long startTime_
BuildVersion version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int format_
boolean verbose_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_ loadAverage_
long lastUpdated_
Object hostname_
int taskPoolSize_
int numActiveTasks_
int unfinishedTasks_
BuildVersion version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetSnapshotInfoRequest snapshotInfoRequest_
GetSnapshotRequest snapshotRequest_
AddQuorumServerRequest addQuorumServerRequest_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
GetSnapshotInfoResponse snapshotInfoResponse_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
ListAllPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
ListPolicyPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
ListProxyStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int offsetTypeCase_
Object offsetType_
ListStatusPOptions options_
int batchSize_
Object prefix_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
ListStatusPartialPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean loadDirectChildren_
int loadMetadataType_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
boolean recursive_
boolean loadMetadataOnly_
boolean disableAreDescendantsLoadedCheck_
boolean excludeMountInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
ListStatusPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
List<E> ufsStatus_
UfsReadOptions options_
boolean loadMetadataOnly_
boolean skipIfExists_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long bandwidth_
boolean verify_
boolean partialListing_
boolean loadMetadataOnly_
boolean skipIfExists_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean recursive_
boolean createAncestors_
int loadDescendantType_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
int loadType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
List<E> blocks_
UfsReadOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
BlockStoreLocationProto key_
BlockIdList value_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long lastCheckpointTime_
long journalEntriesSinceCheckpoint_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long masterId_
MasterHeartbeatPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int command_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object leaderMasterAddress_
List<E> masterAddresses_
int rpcPort_
boolean safeMode_
long startTimeMs_
long upTimeMs_
Object version_
int webPort_
List<E> workerAddresses_ zookeeperAddresses_
Object clusterId_
boolean raftJournal_ raftAddress_
List<E> masterVersions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress addresses_
Object version_
Object state_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long requestId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long requestId_
boolean isThrowable_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
MetricsHeartbeatPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
double doubleValue_
Object stringValue_
int metricType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object ufsUri_
Object ufsType_
long ufsCapacityBytes_
long ufsUsedBytes_
boolean readOnly_<K,V> properties_
boolean shared_
long mountId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean readOnly_<K,V> properties_
boolean shared_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object alluxioPath_
Object ufsPath_
MountPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
Object mediumType_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long bandwidth_
boolean verify_
boolean partialListing_
boolean overwrite_
int writeType_
boolean checkContent_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
List<E> routes_
UfsReadOptions ufsReadOptions_
WriteOptions writeOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object host_
int rpcPort_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_
WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress_
NotifyWorkerIdPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int readType_
int maxUfsReadConcurrency_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
boolean updateLastAccessTime_
WorkerNetAddress ufsReadWorkerLocation_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long fileId_ blockIds_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int ownerBits_
int groupBits_
int otherBits_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
Object name_
long createdAt_
AddPolicyPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long scanStartedMs_
long scanTotal_
long scanPendingAction_
long scanCompleted_
boolean isScanning_
long actionsScheduled_
long actionsRunning_
long actionsSucceeded_
long actionsCanceled_
long actionsFailed_<K,V> errors_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress proxyAddress_
long startTime_
BuildVersion version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
ProxyHeartbeatPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress address_
Object state_
long startTime_
long lastHeartbeatTime_
BuildVersion version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
NetAddress serverAddress_
int serverState_
boolean isLeader_
int priority_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
long offset_
long length_
boolean promote_
long chunkSize_
Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions openUfsBlockOptions_
long offsetReceived_
boolean positionShort_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Chunk chunk_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long startTimeMs_
long losePrimacyTimeMs_
BuildVersion version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobMasterId_
RegisterJobMasterPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress_
RegisterJobWorkerPOptions options_
BuildVersion version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long masterId_
RegisterMasterPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
List<E> configs_
BuildVersion buildVersion_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long workerId_ storageTiers_<K,V> totalBytesOnTiers_<K,V> usedBytesOnTiers_<K,V> currentBlocksOnTiers_
RegisterWorkerPOptions options_<K,V> lostStorage_
List<E> currentBlocks_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object workerHostname_
long workerWebPort_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_ keys_
RemovePathConfigurationPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object policyName_
RemovePolicyPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
RemoveQuorumServerPOptions options_
NetAddress serverAddress_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
boolean persist_
S3SyntaxOptions s3SyntaxOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
Object dstPath_
RenamePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
ResetPrioritiesPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean isRetryable_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object ufsUri_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object alluxioPath_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ jobConfig_
RunPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
long taskId_ jobConfig_ taskArgs_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean overwrite_
boolean isMultipartUpload_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
long persistenceWaitTime_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
ScheduleAsyncPersistencePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
boolean recursive_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
int action_
List<E> entries_
SetAclPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean pinned_
boolean persisted_
Object owner_
Object group_
PMode mode_
boolean recursive_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_ pinnedMedia_<K,V> xattr_
int xattrUpdateStrategy_
boolean directChildrenLoaded_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
SetAttributePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_<K,V> properties_
SetPathConfigurationPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int taskPoolSize_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long snapshotTerm_
long snapshotIndex_ chunk_
long offset_
boolean eof_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long snapshotTerm_
long snapshotIndex_
boolean exists_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int status_
long count_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
JobDescription jobDescription_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean jobStopped_
byte memoizedIsInitialized storage_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ requestBody_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object jobId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ cmdConfig_
SubmitOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobControlId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized tiers_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object msg_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
TransferLeadershipPOptions options_
NetAddress serverAddress_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object transferId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
MessagingRequestHeader requestHeader_
MessagingResponseHeader responseHeader_ message_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object policyName_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object contentHash_
long contentLength_
long blockSize_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object uri_
MountPOptions properties_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object name_
boolean isDirectory_
long lastModifiedTimeMs_
Object owner_
Object group_
int mode_<K,V> xattr_
Object ufsFullPath_
UfsFileStatus ufsFileStatus_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileSystemMasterCommonPOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object alluxioPath_
UnmountPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> properties_
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> status_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object alluxioPath_
MountPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int ufsMode_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object ufsPath_
UpdateUfsModePOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
SnapshotData data_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long offsetReceived_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ identifier_
int version_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
WorkerNetAddress address_
int lastContactSec_
Object state_
long capacityBytes_
long usedBytes_
long startTimeMs_<K,V> capacityBytesOnTiers_<K,V> usedBytesOnTiers_
BuildVersion buildVersion_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
WorkerNetAddress address_<K,V> lostStorage_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean overwrite_
int writeType_
boolean checkContent_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int valueCase_
Object value_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int type_
long id_
long offset_
int tier_
boolean flush_
Protocol.CreateUfsFileOptions createUfsFileOptions_
Object mediumType_
boolean pinOnCreate_
long spaceToReserve_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long offset_
Object contentHash_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean all_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean success_
SyncStatus syncStatus_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long maxColLen_
double avgColLen_
long numNulls_
Object bitVectors_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long numTrues_
long numFalses_
long numNulls_
Object bitVectors_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int dataCase_
Object data_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object colName_
Object colType_
ColumnStatisticsData data_
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> columnConstraints_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long daysSinceEpoch_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int scale_ unscaled_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object dbName_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean success_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int valueSetCase_
Object valueSet_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
double lowValue_
double highValue_
long numNulls_
long numDistincts_
Object bitVectors_
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> column_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized database_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object database_
byte memoizedIsInitialized table_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object dbName_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Database db_
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> partitionStatistics_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
TableInfo tableInfo_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object layoutType_
LayoutSpec layoutSpec_ layoutData_<K,V> stats_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object spec_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long lowValue_
long highValue_
long numNulls_
long numDistincts_
Object bitVectors_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
PartitionSpec partitionSpec_
Layout baseLayout_
List<E> transformations_
long version_
long versionCreationTime_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object spec_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object dbName_
Object tableName_
Constraint constraint_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long maxColLen_
double avgColLen_
long numNulls_
long numDistincts_
Object bitVectors_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object dbName_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
boolean success_
SyncStatus status_
byte memoizedIsInitialized<K,V> tablesErrors_ tablesIgnored_ tablesUnchanged_ tablesUpdated_ tablesRemoved_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object dbName_
Object tableName_
int type_
Object owner_
Schema schema_
Layout layout_<K,V> parameters_
List<E> partitionCols_
long previousVersion_
long version_
long versionCreationTime_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long jobId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int valueCase_
Object value_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ values_
Object partitionName_
Object dbName_
Object tableName_
Storage storage_
List<E> dataCols_<K,V> parameters_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object columnName_
int order_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
StorageFormat storageFormat_
Object location_
HiveBucketProperty bucketProperty_
boolean skewed_<K,V> serdeParameters_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
URIStatus mUriStatus
String mDst
CopyJobPOptions mOptions
String mSrc
String mPath
LoadJobPOptions mOptions
String mDst
MoveJobPOptions mOptions
String mSrc
String mFilePath
long mMountId
boolean mOverwrite
String mUfsPath
Serializable mJobTasks
JobConfig mJobConfig
String mFilePath
long mMountId
boolean mOverwrite
String mUfsPath
AtomicInteger mLen
int mCapacity
MetricsSystem.InstanceType mInstanceType
String mSource
String mName
MetricType mMetricType
Map<K,V> mTags
java.util.function.Supplier<T> mFullMetricNameSupplier mValue
int bitField0_
long pageSize_
long cacheSize_
Object alluxioVersion_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Cache.PPageStoreCommonOptions commonOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
Object sourceHost_
int sourcePort_
Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions openUfsBlockOptions_
long length_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object ufsPath_
Object owner_
Object group_
int mode_
long mountId_
Acl.AccessControlList acl_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
boolean cancel_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
int tier_
long spaceToReserve_
boolean onlyReserveSpace_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
boolean promote_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
long offset_
long length_
boolean cancel_
boolean promote_
long chunkSize_
Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions openUfsBlockOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int type_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int status_
Object message_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int type_
long id_
long offset_
int tier_
boolean eof_
boolean cancel_
Protocol.CreateUfsFileOptions createUfsFileOptions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long nextContainerId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
long length_
BlockLocation blockLocation_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long blockId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long mountId_
long txId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object syncpointPath_
long mountId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long fileId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_ blockIds_
long id_
long length_
long opTimeMs_
Object ufsFingerprint_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
boolean recursive_
long opTimeMs_
boolean alluxioOnly_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object alluxioPath_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long parentId_
Object name_
Object persistenceState_
boolean pinned_
long creationTimeMs_
long lastModificationTimeMs_
Object owner_
Object group_
int mode_
boolean mountPoint_
boolean directChildrenLoaded_
long ttl_
int ttlAction_
Acl.AccessControlList acl_
Acl.AccessControlList defaultAcl_
Object path_ mediumType_<K,V> xAttr_
long lastAccessTimeMs_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long containerId_
long sequenceNumber_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long parentId_
Object name_
Object persistenceState_
boolean pinned_
long creationTimeMs_
long lastModificationTimeMs_
long blockSizeBytes_
long length_
boolean completed_
boolean cacheable_ blocks_
long ttl_
Object owner_
Object group_
int mode_
int ttlAction_
Object ufsFingerprint_
Acl.AccessControlList acl_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
long persistJobId_
Object tempUfsPath_
int replicationDurable_
Object path_ mediumType_
long shouldPersistTime_<K,V> xAttr_
long lastAccessTimeMs_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long lastModificationTimeMs_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long length_
long opTimeMs_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object syncpointPath_
long mountId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long opTimeMs_
boolean pinned_
long ttl_
boolean persisted_
Object owner_
Object group_
int permission_
int ttlAction_
Object ufsFingerprint_
long persistJobId_
Object tempUfsPath_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
boolean mountPoint_
boolean directChildrenLoaded_
Acl.AccessControlList defaultAcl_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long parentId_
Object name_
Object persistenceState_
boolean pinned_
long creationTimeMs_
long lastModificationTimeMs_
boolean overwriteModificationTime_
Object owner_
Object group_
int mode_
long ttl_
int ttlAction_
Acl.AccessControlList acl_
Object ufsFingerprint_ mediumType_<K,V> xAttr_
long lastAccessTimeMs_
boolean overwriteAccessTime_
int xAttrUpdateStrategy_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long blockSizeBytes_
long length_
boolean completed_
boolean cacheable_ setBlocks_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
long persistJobId_
Object tempUfsPath_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object ufsPath_
int ufsMode_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object src_
Object dst_
int state_
long bandwidth_
boolean verify_
Object user_
boolean partialListing_
Object jobId_
long endTime_
boolean overwrite_
boolean checkContent_
Job.FileFilter filter_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object loadPath_
int state_
long bandwidth_
boolean verify_
Object user_
boolean partialListing_
Object jobId_
long endTime_
boolean loadMetadataOnly_
boolean skipIfExists_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object src_
Object dst_
int state_
long bandwidth_
boolean verify_
Object user_
boolean partialListing_
Object jobId_
long endTime_
boolean overwrite_
boolean checkContent_
Job.FileFilter filter_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
int bitField1_
long sequenceNumber_
Journal.JournalOpPId operationId_
File.ActiveSyncTxIdEntry activeSyncTxId_
File.AddSyncPointEntry addSyncPoint_
File.AddMountPointEntry addMountPoint_
File.AsyncPersistRequestEntry asyncPersistRequest_
Block.BlockContainerIdGeneratorEntry blockContainerIdGenerator_
Block.BlockInfoEntry blockInfo_
Meta.ClusterInfoEntry clusterInfo_
File.CompleteFileEntry completeFile_
Block.DeleteBlockEntry deleteBlock_
File.DeleteFileEntry deleteFile_
File.DeleteMountPointEntry deleteMountPoint_
File.InodeDirectoryEntry inodeDirectory_
File.InodeDirectoryIdGeneratorEntry inodeDirectoryIdGenerator_
File.InodeFileEntry inodeFile_
File.InodeLastModificationTimeEntry inodeLastModificationTime_
File.NewBlockEntry newBlock_
Meta.PathPropertiesEntry pathProperties_
File.PersistDirectoryEntry persistDirectory_
Meta.RemovePathPropertiesEntry removePathProperties_
File.RemoveSyncPointEntry removeSyncPoint_
File.RenameEntry rename_
File.SetAclEntry setAcl_
File.SetAttributeEntry setAttribute_
File.UpdateUfsModeEntry updateUfsMode_
File.UpdateInodeEntry updateInode_
File.UpdateInodeDirectoryEntry updateInodeDirectory_
File.UpdateInodeFileEntry updateInodeFile_
Job.LoadJobEntry loadJob_
Job.CopyJobEntry copyJob_
Job.MoveJobEntry moveJob_
Policy.PolicyDefinitionEntry policyDefinition_
Policy.PolicyRemoveEntry policyRemove_
List<E> journalEntries_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long mostSignificantBits_
long leastSignificantBits_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object clusterId_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_<K,V> properties_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object path_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
Object name_
long createdAt_
AddPolicyPOptions options_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object name_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long length_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
FileInfo fileInfo_
long ts_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
long id_
long creationTimeMs_
boolean isDirectory_
long ttl_
int ttlAction_
long lastModifiedMs_
Object name_
long parentId_
Object persistenceState_
boolean isPinned_
Acl.AccessControlList accessAcl_
Object ufsFingerprint_ mediumType_
long lastAccessedMs_
boolean isMountPoint_
boolean hasDirectChildrenLoaded_
long childCount_
Acl.AccessControlList defaultAcl_
long blockSizeBytes_ blocks_
boolean isCacheable_
boolean isCompleted_
long length_
int replicationDurable_
int replicationMax_
int replicationMin_
long shouldPersistTime_
long persistJobId_
Object persistJobTempUfsPath_<K,V> xAttr_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object owningUser_
Object owningGroup_
List<E> userActions_
List<E> groupActions_
Acl.AclActions maskActions_
Acl.AclActions otherActions_
boolean isDefault_
boolean isEmpty_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
int bitField0_
Object name_
Acl.AclActions actions_
byte memoizedIsInitialized
S3ErrorCode mErrorCode
String mResource
String mOwningUser
String mOwningGroup
short mMode
ExtendedACLEntries mExtendedEntries
AclEntryType mType
boolean mIsDefault
String mSubject
AclActions mActions
AccessControlList mAccessAcl
boolean mEmpty
String mLogicalName
String mMasterAddresses
String mFullScheme
does not handle a sub-component in the scheme. This variable will hold
the full scheme with all of the components. For example, the uri
'scheme:part1:part2://localhost:1234/' has multiple components in the scheme, so this
variable will hold 'scheme:part1:part2', because URI
will only handle the
URI starting from 'part2'.String mHost
int mPort
String mAuthority
String mZkAddress
String mLogicalName
int mExitCode
private void writeObject(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator jg, Object value) throws IOException
MBeanServer mBeanServer
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory mJsonFactory
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper mObjectMapper
String mHost
int mRpcPort
long mWorkerId
WorkerNetAddress mWorkerAddress
String mTierAlias
String mMediumType
long mFileId
String mName
String mPath
String mUfsPath
long mLength
long mBlockSizeBytes
long mCreationTimeMs
boolean mCompleted
boolean mFolder
boolean mPinned
Set<E> mMediumTypes
boolean mCacheable
boolean mPersisted
ArrayList<E> mBlockIds
int mInMemoryPercentage
long mLastModificationTimeMs
long mLastAccessTimeMs
long mTtl
TtlAction mTtlAction
String mOwner
String mGroup
int mMode
String mPersistenceState
boolean mMountPoint
ArrayList<E> mFileBlockInfoList
Map<K,V> mFileBlockInfoMap
long mMountId
int mReplicationMax
int mReplicationMin
int mInAlluxioPercentage
String mUfsFingerprint
AccessControlList mAcl
DefaultAccessControlList mDefaultAcl
Map<K,V> mXAttr
String mUfsType
String mContentHash
boolean mDebug
boolean mShowPermissions
int mNTotalFile
List<E> mFileBlocks
List<E> mFileInfos
long mViewingOffset
String mAccessControlException
String mBlockSizeBytes
String mCurrentPath
String mFatalError
String mFileData
String mFileDoesNotExistException
String mHighestTierAlias
String mInvalidPathError
String mInvalidPathException
String mMasterNodeAddress
UIFileInfo mCurrentDirectory
UIFileInfo[] mPathInfos
List<E> mWhitelist
TreeSet<E> mConfiguration
ConfigHash mConfigHash
boolean mDebug
boolean mNewerVersionAvailable
boolean mWebFileInfoEnabled
boolean mSecurityAuthorizationPermissionEnabled
int mWorkerPort
int mRefreshInterval
Map<K,V> mProxyDownloadFileApiUrl
boolean mDebug
MasterInfo[] mLostMasterInfos
MasterInfo[] mStandbyMasterInfos
MasterInfo mPrimaryMasterInfo
int mMasterCapacityFreePercentage
int mMasterCapacityUsedPercentage
int mMasterUnderfsCapacityFreePercentage
int mMasterUnderfsCapacityUsedPercentage
Map<K,V> mRpcInvocationMetrics
Map<K,V> mUfsOps
Map<K,V> mUfsOpsSaved
Map<K,V> mOperationMetrics
Map<K,V> mUfsReadSize
Map<K,V> mUfsWriteSize
List<E> mTimeSeriesMetrics
List<E> mJournalDiskMetrics
String mJournalLastCheckpointTime
long mJournalEntriesSinceCheckpoint
String mCacheHit
String mCacheMiss
String mTotalBytesReadRemote
String mTotalBytesReadRemoteThroughput
String mTotalBytesReadDomainSocket
String mTotalBytesReadDomainSocketThroughput
String mTotalBytesReadUfs
String mTotalBytesReadUfsThroughput
String mTotalBytesWrittenRemote
String mTotalBytesWrittenRemoteThroughput
String mTotalBytesWrittenDomainSocket
String mTotalBytesWrittenDomainSocketThroughput
String mTotalBytesWrittenUfs
String mTotalBytesWrittenUfsThroughput
boolean mDebug
UIMountPointInfo[] mMountPointInfos
boolean mDebug
ConfigStatus mConfigCheckStatus
int mConfigCheckWarnNum
int mConfigCheckErrorNum
List<E> mStorageTierInfos
Map<K,V> mConfigCheckErrors
Map<K,V> mConfigCheckWarns
String mCapacity
String mClusterId
String mDiskCapacity
String mDiskFreeCapacity
String mDiskUsedCapacity
String mFreeCapacity
List<E> mJournalDiskWarnings
String mJournalCheckpointTimeWarning
String mLiveWorkerNodes
String mMasterNodeAddress
String mReplicaBlockCount
String mStartTime
String mTotalPath
String mUptime
String mUsedCapacity
String mUniqueBlockCount
String mVersion
String mRevision
String mMasterRole
String mLeaderId
String mSystemStatus
long mId
WorkerNetAddress mAddress
int mLastContactSec
String mState
long mCapacityBytes
long mUsedBytes
long mStartTimeMs
Map<K,V> mCapacityBytesOnTiers
Map<K,V> mUsedBytesOnTiers
long mBlockCount
String mVersion
String mRevision
boolean mDebug
boolean mWebFileInfoEnabled
boolean mSecurityAuthorizationPermissionEnabled
String mMasterHostname
int mMasterPort
int mRefreshInterval
long mOperationCount
long mRpcQueueLength
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