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Package alluxio.worker

Worker process and utils for working with the worker remotely.

See: Description

Package alluxio.worker Description

Worker process and utils for working with the worker remotely. Main entry point for the worker is AlluxioWorker.main(java.lang.String[]) which gets started by the alluxio start scripts. The WorkerProcess spins up the different RPC services (gRPC, data) which are mostly wrappers around BlockWorker.



This service is the main interaction between users and worker for reading and writing blocks. The DataServer interface defines how to start/stop, and get port details; to start, object init is used. The implementation of this interface is in GrpcDataServer. It creates an DataServer instance based on gRPC which is a high performance universal remote procedure call framework. Data server handles the following types of block requests: The current protocol is described in Protocol. All the requests are generated by Protobuf to keep the protocol extensible but also backward-compatible.
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