Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InetSocketAddress |
AbstractClient.getAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
AbstractMasterClient.getAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
Client.getAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
AbstractClient.getConfAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
AbstractMasterClient.getConfAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
AbstractJobMasterClient.getConfAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
Client.getConfAddress() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InetSocketAddress |
FileSystemContext.getMasterAddress() |
void |
FileSystemContext.reinit(boolean updateClusterConf,
boolean updatePathConf)
Closes the context, updates configuration from meta master, then re-initializes the context.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InetSocketAddress |
JobContext.getJobMasterAddress() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JournalContext |
AbstractMaster.createJournalContext() |
JournalContext |
Master.createJournalContext() |
List<InetSocketAddress> |
MasterInquireClient.getMasterRpcAddresses() |
List<InetSocketAddress> |
ZkMasterInquireClient.getMasterRpcAddresses() |
InetSocketAddress |
MasterInquireClient.getPrimaryRpcAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
ZkMasterInquireClient.getPrimaryRpcAddress() |
InetSocketAddress |
PollingMasterInquireClient.getPrimaryRpcAddress() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultBlockMaster.commitBlock(long workerId,
long usedBytesOnTier,
String tierAlias,
String mediumType,
long blockId,
long length) |
void |
BlockMaster.commitBlock(long workerId,
long usedBytesOnTier,
String tierAlias,
String mediumType,
long blockId,
long length)
Marks a block as committed on a specific worker.
void |
DefaultBlockMaster.commitBlockInUFS(long blockId,
long length) |
void |
BlockMaster.commitBlockInUFS(long blockId,
long length)
Marks a block as committed, but without a worker location.
BlockInfo |
DefaultBlockMaster.getBlockInfo(long blockId) |
BlockInfo |
BlockMaster.getBlockInfo(long blockId) |
List<BlockInfo> |
DefaultBlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(List<Long> blockIds) |
List<BlockInfo> |
BlockMaster.getBlockInfoList(List<Long> blockIds)
Retrieves information for the given list of block ids.
List<WorkerInfo> |
DefaultBlockMaster.getLostWorkersInfoList() |
List<WorkerInfo> |
BlockMaster.getLostWorkersInfoList() |
long |
DefaultBlockMaster.getNewContainerId() |
long |
ContainerIdGenerable.getNewContainerId() |
Set<WorkerNetAddress> |
DefaultBlockMaster.getWorkerAddresses() |
Set<WorkerNetAddress> |
BlockMaster.getWorkerAddresses() |
List<WorkerInfo> |
DefaultBlockMaster.getWorkerInfoList() |
List<WorkerInfo> |
BlockMaster.getWorkerInfoList() |
List<WorkerInfo> |
DefaultBlockMaster.getWorkerReport(GetWorkerReportOptions options) |
List<WorkerInfo> |
BlockMaster.getWorkerReport(GetWorkerReportOptions options)
Gets the worker information list for report CLI.
void |
DefaultBlockMaster.removeBlocks(Collection<Long> blockIds,
boolean delete) |
void |
BlockMaster.removeBlocks(Collection<Long> blockIds,
boolean delete)
Removes blocks from workers.
void |
DefaultBlockMaster.validateBlocks(java.util.function.Function<Long,Boolean> validator,
boolean repair) |
void |
BlockMaster.validateBlocks(java.util.function.Function<Long,Boolean> validator,
boolean repair)
Validates the integrity of blocks with respect to the validator.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RpcContext.close() |
void |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.completeFile(AlluxioURI path,
CompleteFileContext context) |
void |
FileSystemMaster.completeFile(AlluxioURI path,
CompleteFileContext context)
Completes a file.
RpcContext |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.createRpcContext() |
RpcContext |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.createRpcContext(OperationContext operationContext) |
List<FileBlockInfo> |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getFileBlockInfoList(AlluxioURI path) |
List<FileBlockInfo> |
FileSystemMaster.getFileBlockInfoList(AlluxioURI path)
Gets the
FileBlockInfo for all blocks of a file. |
long |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getFileId(AlluxioURI path) |
long |
FileSystemMaster.getFileId(AlluxioURI path)
Returns the file id for a given path.
FileInfo |
FileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(AlluxioURI path,
GetStatusContext context)
Returns the
FileInfo for a given path. |
FileInfo |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(long fileId) |
FileInfo |
FileSystemMaster.getFileInfo(long fileId)
Returns the
FileInfo for a given file id. |
List<AlluxioURI> |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getInAlluxioFiles() |
List<AlluxioURI> |
FileSystemMaster.getInAlluxioFiles() |
List<AlluxioURI> |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getInMemoryFiles() |
List<AlluxioURI> |
FileSystemMaster.getInMemoryFiles() |
long |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getNewBlockIdForFile(AlluxioURI path) |
long |
FileSystemMaster.getNewBlockIdForFile(AlluxioURI path)
Gets a new block id for the next block of a given file to write to.
List<SyncPointInfo> |
FileSystemMaster.getSyncPathList() |
List<WorkerInfo> |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.getWorkerInfoList() |
List<WorkerInfo> |
FileSystemMaster.getWorkerInfoList() |
List<FileInfo> |
FileSystemMaster.listStatus(AlluxioURI path,
ListStatusContext context)
Returns a list of
FileInfo for a given path. |
void |
FileSystemMaster.listStatus(AlluxioURI path,
ListStatusContext context,
ResultStream<FileInfo> resultStream)
Enumerates given path to given batch tracker.
void |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.scheduleAsyncPersistence(AlluxioURI path,
ScheduleAsyncPersistenceContext context) |
void |
FileSystemMaster.scheduleAsyncPersistence(AlluxioURI path,
ScheduleAsyncPersistenceContext context)
Schedules a file for async persistence.
void |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.updateUfsMode(AlluxioURI ufsPath,
UfsMode ufsMode) |
void |
FileSystemMaster.updateUfsMode(AlluxioURI ufsPath,
UfsMode ufsMode)
Update the operation mode for the given ufs path under one or more mount points.
void |
DefaultFileSystemMaster.validateInodeBlocks(boolean repair) |
void |
FileSystemMaster.validateInodeBlocks(boolean repair)
Checks the integrity of the inodes with respect to the blocks of the system.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultAsyncPersistHandler.scheduleAsyncPersistence(AlluxioURI path) |
void |
AsyncPersistHandler.scheduleAsyncPersistence(AlluxioURI path)
Schedules a file for async persistence.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<FileBlockInfo> |
FileSystemMasterView.getFileBlockInfoList(AlluxioURI path) |
long |
FileSystemMasterView.getFileId(AlluxioURI path)
Returns the file id for a given path.
FileInfo |
FileSystemMasterView.getFileInfo(long fileId)
Returns the
FileInfo for a given path. |
List<WorkerInfo> |
FileSystemMasterView.getWorkerInfoList() |
void |
InodeTree.initializeRoot(String owner,
String group,
Mode mode,
JournalContext context)
Initializes the root of the inode tree.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MergeJournalContext.close() |
void |
MasterJournalContext.close() |
void |
StateChangeJournalContext.close() |
void |
JournalContext.close() |
JournalContext |
Journal.createJournalContext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JournalContext |
RaftJournal.createJournalContext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JournalContext |
UfsJournal.createJournalContext() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DefaultMetaMaster.removePathConfiguration(String path) |
void |
MetaMaster.removePathConfiguration(String path)
Removes all properties for a path.
void |
DefaultMetaMaster.removePathConfiguration(String path,
Set<String> keys) |
void |
MetaMaster.removePathConfiguration(String path,
Set<String> keys)
Removes properties for a path.
void |
DefaultMetaMaster.setPathConfiguration(String path,
Map<PropertyKey,String> properties) |
void |
MetaMaster.setPathConfiguration(String path,
Map<PropertyKey,String> properties)
Sets properties for a path.
Constructor and Description |
TransformManager(TransformManager.ThrowingSupplier<JournalContext,UnavailableException> createJournalContext,
AlluxioCatalog catalog,
JobMasterClient jobMasterClient)
An internal job master client will be created.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UfsManager.UfsClient |
JobUfsManager.get(long mountId) |
UfsManager.UfsClient |
WorkerUfsManager.get(long mountId)
Gets UFS information from the manager if this mount ID exists, or throws exception otherwise.
UfsManager.UfsClient |
AbstractUfsManager.get(long mountId) |
UfsManager.UfsClient |
UfsManager.get(long mountId)
Gets UFS information from the manager if this mount ID exists, or throws exception otherwise.
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