Configuration Settings

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An Alluxio cluster can be configured by setting the values of Alluxio configuration properties within ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/

The two major components to configure are:

Alluxio properties mostly fall into three categories:

  • properties prefixed with alluxio.user affect Alluxio client operations (e.g. compute applications)
  • properties prefixed with alluxio.master affect the Alluxio master processes
  • properties prefixed with alluxio.worker affect the Alluxio worker processes

Configure Applications

Customizing how an application interacts with Alluxio is specific to each application. The following are recommendations for some common applications.

Alluxio Shell Commands

Alluxio shell users can put JVM system properties -Dproperty=value after the fs command and before the subcommand to specify Alluxio user properties from the command line. For example, the following Alluxio shell command sets the write type to CACHE_THROUGH when copying files to Alluxio:

$ ./bin/alluxio fs -Dalluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH \
  copyFromLocal /

Note that, as a part of Alluxio deployment, the Alluxio shell will also take the configuration in ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/ when it is run from Alluxio installation at ${ALLUXIO_HOME}.


To customize Alluxio client-side properties in Spark applications, Spark users can use pass Alluxio properties as JVM system properties. See examples for configuring the Spark service or for individual Spark jobs.

Hadoop MapReduce

See examples to configure Alluxio properties for the MapReduce service or for individual MapReduce jobs.


Hive can be configured to use customized Alluxio client-side properties for the entire service. See examples.


Presto can be configured to use customized Alluxio client-side properties for the entire service. See examples.

CDH (Enterprise-only)

CDH can be configured to use customized Alluxio client-side properties for the entire service. See examples.

HDP (Enterprise-only)

HDP can be configured to use customized Alluxio client-side properties for the entire service. See examples.

Configure an Alluxio Cluster

Alluxio admins can create and edit the properties file conf/ to configure Alluxio masters or workers. If this file does not exist, it can be copied from the template file under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf:

$ cp conf/ conf/

Make sure that this file is distributed to ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf on every Alluxio master and worker before starting the cluster. Restarting Alluxio processes is the safest way to ensure any configuration updates are applied.

Environment Variables

Alluxio supports defining a few frequently used configuration settings through environment variables, including:

Environment VariableDescription
ALLUXIO_CONF_DIR The path to the alluxio configuration directory. This defines the value for the property key alluxio.conf.dir which should never be set directly outside the environment variable.
ALLUXIO_LOGS_DIR The path to the directory that stores Alluxio server logs. This defines the value for the property key alluxio.logs.dir which should never be set directly outside the environment variable.
ALLUXIO_USER_LOGS_DIR The path to the directory that stores Alluxio user logs. This defines the value for the property key alluxio.user.logs.dir which should never be set directly outside the environment variable.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME Hostname of the Alluxio master. Defaults to localhost.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS The under storage system address. Defaults to ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/underFSStorage which is a local file system.
ALLUXIO_RAM_FOLDER The directory where a worker stores its in-memory data. Defaults to /mnt/ramdisk.
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_HOSTNAME Hostname of the log server. Empty by default.
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_PORT The port number of the log server. Defaults to 45600
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_LOGS_DIR The path to the local directory where the Alluxio log server stores logs received from the Alluxio servers.
ALLUXIO_JAVA_OPTS Java VM options for the Alluxio master, worker, and shell commands. By default, ALLUXIO_JAVA_OPTS is prepended to other ALLUXIO_*_JAVA_OPTS environment variables, such as ALLUXIO_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS and ALLUXIO_USER_JAVA_OPTS.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio master configuration.
ALLUXIO_JOB_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio job master configuration.
ALLUXIO_WORKER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio worker configuration.
ALLUXIO_JOB_WORKER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio job worker configuration.
ALLUXIO_PROXY_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio proxy configuration.
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio log server configuration.
ALLUXIO_USER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio shell command configuration.
ALLUXIO_CLASSPATH Additional classpath entries for Alluxio processes. Empty by default.
ALLUXIO_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio master.
ALLUXIO_CROSS_CLUSTER_MASTER_JAVA_OPTS Additional Java VM options for Alluxio cross cluster master configuration.
ALLUXIO_CROSS_CLUSTER_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio cross cluster master.
ALLUXIO_JOB_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio job master.
ALLUXIO_WORKER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio worker.
ALLUXIO_JOB_WORKER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio job worker.
ALLUXIO_PROXY_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio proxy.
ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio log server.
ALLUXIO_FUSE_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio FUSE process.
ALLUXIO_USER_ATTACH_OPTS Additional Java VM options to apply when attaching a debugger to Alluxio shell command.

For example, the following example will set up:

  • an Alluxio master at localhost
  • the root mount point as an HDFS cluster with a namenode also running at localhost
  • defines the maximum heap space of the VM to be 30g
  • enable Java remote debugging at port 7001
$ export ALLUXIO_MASTER_HOSTNAME="localhost"
$ export ALLUXIO_MASTER_MOUNT_TABLE_ROOT_UFS="hdfs://localhost:9000"
$ export ALLUXIO_MASTER_ATTACH_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7001"

Users can either set these variables through the shell or in conf/ If this file does not exist yet, it can be copied from the template file under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf:

$ cp conf/ conf/

Cluster Defaults

When different client applications (Alluxio Shell CLI, Spark jobs, MapReduce jobs) or Alluxio workers connect to an Alluxio master, they will initialize their own Alluxio configuration properties with the default values supplied by the masters based on the master-side ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/ files. As a result, cluster admins can set default client-side settings (e.g., alluxio.user.*), or network transport settings (e.g., in ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/ on all the masters, which will be distributed and become cluster-wide default values when clients and workers connect.

For example, the property alluxio.user.file.writetype.default defaults to MUST_CACHE, which only writes to Alluxio space. In an Alluxio cluster where data persistence is preferred and all jobs need to write to both the UFS and Alluxio, the administrator can add alluxio.user.file.writetype.default=CACHE_THROUGH in each master’s file. After restarting the cluster, all jobs will automatically set alluxio.user.file.writetype.default to CACHE_THROUGH.

Clients can ignore or overwrite the cluster-wide default values by following the approaches described in Configure Applications to overwrite the same properties.

Path Defaults

Alluxio administrators can set default client-side configurations for specific Alluxio filesystem paths. Filesystem client operations have options which are derived from client side configuration properties. Only client-side configuration properties can be set as path defaults.

For example, the createFile operation has an option to specify write type. By default, the write type is the value of the configuration key alluxio.user.file.writetype.default. The administrator can set default value of alluxio.user.file.write.type.default to MUST_CACHE for all paths with prefix /tmp by running:

$ bin/alluxio fsadmin pathConf add --property alluxio.user.file.writetype.default=MUST_CACHE /tmp`

After executing this command any create operations on paths with prefix /tmp will use the MUST_CACHE write type by default unless the application configuration overrides the cluster defaults.

Path defaults will be automatically propagated to long-running clients if they are updated. If the administrator updates path defaults using the following:

$ bin/alluxio fsadmin pathConf add --property alluxio.user.file.writetype.default=THROUGH /tmp

All write operations that occur on a path with the prefix /tmp prefix will use the THROUGH write type by default.

See fsadmin pathConf on how to show, add, update, and remove path defaults.

Configuration Sources

Alluxio properties can be configured from multiple sources. A property’s final value is determined by the following priority list, from highest priority to lowest:

  1. JVM system properties (i.e., -Dproperty=key)
  2. Environment variables
  3. Property files: When an Alluxio cluster starts, each server process including master and worker searches for within the following directories in the given order, stopping when a match is found: ${CLASSPATH}, ${HOME}/.alluxio/, /etc/alluxio/, and ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf
  4. Path default values
  5. Cluster default values: An Alluxio client may initialize its configuration based on the cluster-wide default configuration served by the masters.

If no user-specified configuration is found for a property, Alluxio will fall back to its default property value.

To check the value of a specific configuration property and the source of its value, users can run the following command:

$ ./bin/alluxio getConf alluxio.worker.rpc.port
$ ./bin/alluxio getConf --source alluxio.worker.rpc.port

To list all of the configuration properties with sources:

$ ./bin/alluxio getConf --source
alluxio.conf.dir=/Users/bob/alluxio/conf (SYSTEM_PROPERTY)
alluxio.debug=false (DEFAULT)

Users can also specify the --master option to list all of the cluster-wide configuration properties served by the masters. Note that with the --master option, getConf will query the master which requires the master process to be running. Otherwise, without --master option, this command only checks the local configuration.

$ ./bin/alluxio getConf --master --source
alluxio.conf.dir=/Users/bob/alluxio/conf (SYSTEM_PROPERTY)
alluxio.debug=false (DEFAULT)

Java 11 Configuration

Alluxio also supports Java 11. To run Alluxio on Java 11, configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to a Java 11 installation directory. If you only want to use Java 11 for Alluxio, you can set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in the file. Setting the JAVA_HOME in will not affect the Java version which may be used by other applications running in the same environment.

Server Configuration Checker

The server-side configuration checker helps discover configuration errors and warnings. Suspected configuration errors are reported through the web UI, fsadmin doctor CLI, and master logs.

The web UI shows the result of the server configuration check.


Users can also run the fsadmin doctor command to get the same results.

$ ./bin/alluxio fsadmin doctor configuration

Configuration warnings can also be found in the master logs.
