Integrating HDP Compute Frameworks with Alluxio
- Prerequisites
- Running HDP MapReduce
- Running HDP Hive
- Running HDP Spark
- Using Ranger to manage authorization policies for Alluxio
This guide describes how to configure Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) compute frameworks with Alluxio.
You should already have Hortonworks Data Platform installed. HDP 3.1 has been tested and Ambari is used for the instructions in the rest of this document.
It is also assumed that Alluxio has been installed on the cluster.
Running HDP MapReduce
To run HDP MapReduce applications with Alluxio, some additional configuration is required.
Configuring core-site.xml
You need to add the following properties to core-site.xml
. The ZooKeeper properties are only required for a cluster
using HA mode. Similarly, embedded journal properties are only required for an HA cluster using Embedded Journal.
You can add configuration properties to core-site.xml
file with Ambari. In the “HDFS” section of
Ambari, the “Advanced” tab of the “Configs” tab has the “Custom core-site” section. In this section,
click on the “Add Property” link to add these new configuration properties.
You can add each property individually or in batch. If you are adding them individually, like:
Alternatively, you can add the properties in batch, with a list of key=value pairs.
After the properties are added, the “Custom core-site” section should have the following properties:
Save the configuration, and Ambari will notify you that you should restart the affected components. Accept this option to update the new properties.
In order for the Alluxio client jar to be available to the MapReduce applications, you must add
the Alluxio Hadoop client jar to the $HADOOP_CLASSPATH
environment variable in
In the “HDFS” section of Ambari, the “Advanced” tab of the “Configs” tab has the “Advanced hadoop-env” section. In this section, you can add to the “hadoop-env template” parameter:
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=/path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar:${HADOOP_CLASSPATH}
Then save the configuration, and Ambari will notify you that you should restart the affected components. Please restart the affected components.
Since MapReduce runs on YARN, a non-secured Alluxio will need to be configured to allow the yarn
user to impersonate
other users. To do this, add the below property to
on Alluxio Masters and Workers and then
restart the Alluxio cluster.*
This is not required if Alluxio and YARN are Kerberized and Secured.
Running MapReduce Applications
In order for MapReduce applications to be able to read and write files in Alluxio, the Alluxio client jar must be distributed to all the nodes in the cluster, and added to the application classpath.
Below are instructions for the 2 main alternatives for distributing the client jar:
Using the -libjars command line option
You can run a job by using the -libjars
command line option when using yarn jar ...
as the argument. This
will place the jar in the Hadoop DistributedCache, making it available to all the nodes. For
example, the following command adds the Alluxio client jar to the -libjars
$ yarn jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar randomtextwriter -libjars /path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar <OUTPUT URI>
Setting the classpath configuration variables
If the Alluxio client jar is already distributed to all the nodes, you can add that jar to the
classpath using the mapreduce.application.classpath
In Ambari, you can find the mapreduce.application.classpath
variable in the “MapReduce2” section,
“Advanced” configuration, under the “Advanced mapred-site” section. Add the Alluxio client jar to the mapreduce.application.classpath
After you save the configuration, restart the affected components.
Running Sample MapReduce Application
Here is an example of running a simple MapReduce application. In the following example,
with your actual Alluxio master hostname.
$ yarn jar /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar randomtextwriter -Dmapreduce.randomtextwriter.bytespermap=10000000 alluxio://MASTER_HOSTNAME:19998/testing/randomtext/
You can find the MASTER_HOSTNAME
by running ./bin/alluxio fs leader
After this job completes, there will be randomly generated text files in the /testing/randomtext
directory in Alluxio.
Running HDP Hive
Configuring HDP Hive with Alluxio
To run HDP Hive applications with Alluxio, additional configuration is required for the applications.
In the “Hive” section of Ambari, in the “Configs” tab, go to the “Advanced” tab and search for the parameter “Advanced hive-env”. In “hive-env template”, add the following line:
export HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH=/path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar:${HIVE_AUX_JARS_PATH}
It should look something like this:
Then save the configuration, and Ambari will notify you that you should restart the affected components. Please restart the affected components.
For impersonation, Alluxio will need to be configured to allow the hive
user to impersonate other users. To do this,
add the below property to
on Alluxio Masters and Workers and then restart the Alluxio cluster.*
Note that if hive.doAs
is disabled, this property is not required.
Create External Table Located in Alluxio
set, Hive can create external tables from files stored on Alluxio.
You can follow the sample Hive application on Running-Hive-on-Alluxio.
to create an external table located in Alluxio.
(Optional) Use Alluxio as Default Filesystem in HDP Hive
Hive can also use Alluxio through a generic file system interface to replace the Hadoop file system. In this way, the Hive uses Alluxio as the default file system and its internal metadata and intermediate results will be stored in Alluxio by default. To set Alluxio as the default file system for HDP Hive, in the “Hive” section of Ambari, in the “Configs” tab, go to the “Advanced” tab and search for the parameter “Custom hive-site”. Click on “Add Property …” and add the following property in the “Properties” box:
It should look something like this:
Then save the configuration, and Ambari will notify you that you should restart the affected components. Please restart the affected components.
When using Alluxio as the defaultFS, Hive’s warehouse will point to alluxio://master:19999/user/hive/warehouse
. This
directory should be created and given permissions hive:hive
. This also allows users to define internal tables on
(Optional) Add additional Alluxio Properties in Hive
If there are any Alluxio site properties you want to specify for Hive, add those to hive-site.xml
similarly as setting the properties above.
Then save the configuration, and Ambari will notify you that you should restart the affected components. Please restart the affected components.
Running Sample Hive Application
You can follow the sample Hive application on Running-Hive-on-Alluxio.
Running HDP Spark
To run HDP Spark applications with Alluxio, additional configuration is required for the applications.
There are two scenarios for the Spark and Alluxio deployment. If you already have the Alluxio Spark client jars on all the nodes on the cluster, you only have to specify the correct path to for the classpath. Otherwise, you can allow Spark to distribute the Alluxio Spark client jar to each Spark node for each invocation of the application.
For impersonation, Alluxio will need to be configured to allow user yarn
to impersonate other users. To do this,
add the below property to
on Alluxio Masters and Workers and then restart the Alluxio cluster.*
Alluxio Spark Client Jar Already on Each Node
If the Alluxio Spark client jar is already on every node, you have to add that path to the classpath for
the Spark driver and executors. In order to do that, use the spark.driver.extraClassPath
and the
For spark-submit
an example looks like the following. (In the example, replace MASTER_HOSTNAME with the
actual Alluxio master hostname.)
$ spark-submit --master yarn --conf "spark.driver.extraClassPath=/path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar" --conf "spark.executor.extraClassPath=/path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar" --class org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11- alluxio://MASTER_HOSTNAME:19998/testing/randomtext/
Note: This example will run a word count on all text files under Alluxio path
And similarly, for spark-shell
, the following is an example:
$ spark-shell --master yarn --driver-class-path "/path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar" --conf "spark.executor.extraClassPath=/path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar"
Distribute Alluxio Spark Client Jar for Each Application
If the Alluxio Spark client jar is not already on each machine, you can use the --jars
to distribute the jar for each application.
For example, using spark-submit
would look like:
$ spark-submit --master yarn --jars /path/to/alluxio/client/alluxio-enterprise-2.9.0-2.1-client.jar --class org.apache.spark.examples.JavaWordCount /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11- alluxio://MASTER_HOSTNAME:19998/testing/randomtext/
Using Ranger to manage authorization policies for Alluxio
Ranger enables administrator to centralize permission management for various resources. Alluxio supports using Ranger to manage and enforce access to directories and files.
There are two ways to use Ranger with Alluxio. User can use Ranger to directly manage Alluxio file system permissions, or configure Alluxio to enforce existing Ranger policies for HDFS under file systems. While it is possible to use Ranger to manage permissions for both Alluxio and under file systems, we don’t recommend enabling both at the same time because it can be confusing to reason about permissions over multiple sources of truth.
Alluxio master user is used to sync related metadata, so this user should be granted READ/EXECUTE permission of all pathes.
Managing Alluxio permissions with Ranger
First, make sure HDFS plugin is enabled in Ranger configuration. Follow the instruction in this page to set up a new HDFS repository for Alluxio. In the name node URL field, please put down the Alluxio service URI.
Copy core-site.xml
, hdfs-site.xml
, ranger-hdfs-security.xml
, ranger-hdfs-audit.xml
and ranger-policymgr-ssl.xml
from /etc/hadoop/conf/
on HDFS name node to a directory in Alluxio master nodes. Update the configuration
settings in ranger-hdfs-security.xml
to use the new HDFS repository. Specifically:
- Set
to a valid directory on Alluxio master nodes where you want to store the policy cache. - Set
to point to the path of theranger-policymgr-ssl.xml
file on Alluxio master node. - Set
to be the new HDFS repository name. - Verify that
is pointing to the correct Ranger service URL. - Set
to true if you want Ranger to fallback to Alluxio default permission checker when a path is not managed by Ranger policy.
Configure Alluxio masters to use Ranger plugin for authorization. In
, add the
following properties:<plugin_name><your_ranger_plugin_configuration_files_location>
should be either ranger-hdp-2.5
or ranger-hdp-2.6
depending on
your HDP cluster version.
should be the local directory path on Alluxio master where you
put the Ranger configuration files.
Restart all Alluxio masters to apply the new configurations. Now you can add some policies to the Alluxio repository in Ranger and verify it taking effect in Alluxio.
If Hive is used to work with data on Alluxio, please add the Alluxio scheme to the value of property
in Hive configuration:
Enforcing existing Ranger policies for HDFS under file system
Alluxio can be configured to enforce existing Ranger policies on HDFS under filesystems. First,
Copy core-site.xml
, hdfs-site.xml
, ranger-hdfs-security.xml
, ranger-hdfs-audit.xml
and ranger-policymgr-ssl.xml
from /etc/hadoop/conf/
on HDFS name node to Alluxio master nodes. Update the configuration settings in
to use the new HDFS repository. Specifically:
- Set
to a valid directory on Alluxio master nodes where you want to store the policy cache for this under file system. - Set
to point to the path of theranger-policymgr-ssl.xml
file on Alluxio master node. - Verify that
is pointing to the correct Ranger service URL.
Configure Alluxio masters to use Ranger plugin for authorization. In
, add the following properties:
If the HDFS file system is mounted as root under file system, Add the following properties in
should be either ranger-hdp-2.5
or ranger-hdp-2.6
depending on
your HDP cluster version for Ranger service managing the under file system.
should be the local directory path on Alluxio master where you
put the Ranger configuration files for the corresponding under file system.
Please note that Alluxio masters need to be reformatted and then restarted for this change to take effect.
If the HDFS file system is supposed to be mounted as a nested under filesystem using the alluxio fs mount
please add the following parameters to your mount