Quick Start Guide

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This quick start guide goes over how to run Alluxio on a local machine. The guide will cover the following tasks:

  • Download and configure Alluxio
  • Start Alluxio locally
  • Perform basic tasks via Alluxio Shell
  • [Bonus] Mount a public Amazon S3 bucket in Alluxio
  • [Bonus] Mount HDFS under storage in Alluxio
  • Stop Alluxio

This guide contains optional tasks labeled with [Bonus] that use credentials from an AWS account with an access key id and secret access key.

▶️ Get Alluxio Up & Running in Less Than 3 Min! (2:36)

Note: This guide is designed to start an Alluxio system with minimal setup on a single machine. If you are trying to speedup SQL analytics, you can try the Presto Alluxio Getting Started tutorial.


Downloading Alluxio

Download Alluxio from this page. Select the desired release followed by the distribution built for default Hadoop. Unpack the downloaded file with the following commands.

$ tar -xzf alluxio-314-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
$ cd alluxio-314-SNAPSHOT

This creates a directory alluxio-314-SNAPSHOT with all of the Alluxio source files and Java binaries. Through this tutorial, the path of this directory will be referred to as ${ALLUXIO_HOME}.

Configuring Alluxio

In the ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf directory, create the conf/alluxio-env.sh configuration file by copying the template file.

$ cp conf/alluxio-env.sh.template conf/alluxio-env.sh

In conf/alluxio-env.sh, adds configuration for JAVA_HOME. For example:

$ echo "JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java/home" >> conf/alluxio-env.sh

In the ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf directory, create the conf/alluxio-site.properties configuration file by copying the template file.

$ cp conf/alluxio-site.properties.template conf/alluxio-site.properties

Set alluxio.master.hostname in conf/alluxio-site.properties to localhost.

$ echo "alluxio.master.hostname=localhost" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties

Set additional parameters in conf/alluxio-site.properties

$ echo "alluxio.dora.client.read.location.policy.enabled=true" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.user.short.circuit.enabled=false" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.master.worker.register.lease.enabled=false" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.worker.block.store.type=PAGE" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.worker.page.store.type=LOCAL" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.worker.page.store.sizes=1GB" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.worker.page.store.page.size=1MB" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties

Set the page store directories to an existing directory which the current user has read/write permissions to. The following uses /mnt/ramdisk as an example.

$ echo "alluxio.worker.page.store.dirs=/mnt/ramdisk" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties

The paging cache storage guide has more information about how to configure page block store.

Configure Alluxio ufs:

$ echo "alluxio.dora.client.ufs.root=/tmp" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties

<UFS_URI> should be a full ufs uri. This can be set to a local folder (e.g. default value /tmp) in a single node deployment or a full ufs uri (e.g.hdfs://namenode:port/path/ or s3://bucket/path).

[Bonus] Configuration for AWS

To configure Alluxio to interact with Amazon S3, add AWS access information to the Alluxio configuration in conf/alluxio-site.properties.

$ echo "alluxio.dora.client.ufs.root=s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<DIR>" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "s3a.accessKeyId=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "s3a.secretKey=<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties

Replace s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<DIR>, <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> and <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> with a valid AWS S3 address, AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key respectively.

For more information, please refer to the S3 configuration docs.

[Bonus] Configuration for HDFS

To configure Alluxio to interact with HDFS, provide the path to HDFS configuration files available locally on each node in conf/alluxio-site.properties.

$ echo "alluxio.dora.client.ufs.root=hdfs://nameservice/<DIR>" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties
$ echo "alluxio.underfs.hdfs.configuration=/path/to/hdfs/conf/core-site.xml:/path/to/hdfs/conf/hdfs-site.xml" >> conf/alluxio-site.properties

Replace nameservice/<DIR> and /path/to/hdfs/conf with the actual values.

For more information, please refer to the HDFS configuration docs.

Starting Alluxio

Alluxio needs to be formatted before starting the process. The following command formats the Alluxio journal and worker storage directories.

$ ./bin/alluxio init format

Start the Alluxio services

$ ./bin/alluxio process start local

Congratulations! Alluxio is now up and running!

Using the Alluxio Shell

The Alluxio shell provides command line operations for interacting with Alluxio. To see a list of filesystem operations, run

$ ./bin/alluxio fs

List files in Alluxio with the ls command. To list all files in the root directory, use the following command:

$ ./bin/alluxio fs ls /

At this moment, there are no files in Alluxio. Copy a file into Alluxio by using the copyFromLocal shell command.

$ ./bin/alluxio fs copyFromLocal ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/LICENSE /LICENSE

List the files in Alluxio again to see the LICENSE file.

$ ./bin/alluxio fs ls /
-rw-r--r-- staff  staff     27040     02-17-2021 16:21:11:061 0% /LICENSE

The output shows the file has been written to Alluxio under storage successfully. Check the directory set as the value of alluxio.dora.client.ufs.root, which is /tmp by default.

$ ls /tmp

The cat command prints the contents of the file.

$ ./bin/alluxio fs cat /LICENSE
                                 Apache License
                           Version 2.0, January 2004


When the file is read, it will also be cached by Alluxio to speed up future data access.

Stopping Alluxio

Stop Alluxio with the following command:

$ ./bin/alluxio process stop local

Next Steps

Congratulations on getting Alluxio started! This guide covered how to download and install Alluxio locally with examples of basic interactions via the Alluxio shell.

There are several next steps available:


Why do I keep getting “Operation not permitted” for ssh and alluxio?

For the users who are using macOS 11(Big Sur) or later, when running the command

$ ./bin/alluxio init format

you might get the error message:

alluxio-314-SNAPSHOT/bin/alluxio: Operation not permitted

This can be caused by the newly added setting options to macOS. To fix it, open System Preferences and open Sharing.

macOS System Preferences Sharing

On the left, check the box next to Remote Login. If there is Allow full access to remote users as shown in the image, check the box next to it. Besides, click the + button and add yourself to the list of users that are allowed for Remote Login if you are not already in it.


Optional Dora Server-side Metadata Cache

By default, Dora worker caches metadata and data. Set alluxio.dora.client.metadata.cache.enabled to false to disable the metadata cache. If disabled, client will always fetch metadata from under storage directly.

High performance data transmission over Netty

Set alluxio.user.netty.data.transmission.enabled to true to enable transmission of data between clients and Dora cache nodes over Netty. This avoids serialization and deserialization cost of gRPC, as well as consumes less resources on the worker side.

Known limitations

  1. Only one UFS is supported by Dora. Nested mounts are not supported yet.
  2. The Alluxio Master node still needs to be up and running. It is used for Dora worker discovery, cluster configuration updates, as well as handling write I/O operations.